The term “Western civilization” was very much the creation of American intellectuals at the beginning of the 20th century. The term denoted the world outlook...
May I ask for five minutes of your time? The Foundation for Constitutional Democracy in Jerusalem is conducting an annual poll concerning Israel’s political institutions....
The Left in Europe, thanks to the complacency or cowardice of the Right, has very much succeeded in erasing Europe’s Christian identity. The same revolution...
The hypersensitivity of Muslims or Arabs to aspersions of their prophet Muhammad is not merely a result of piety. Muslims have exaggerated ideas of their...
The violent Muslim reaction to Pope Benedict’s reference to Muhammad involves far more than the issue of freedom of speech. The ultimate issue is one...
Israel’s Supreme Court stands accused by eminent citizens of Israel of exceeding its lawful powers and endangering the democratic as well as Jewish character of...
As indicated in Part I, members of Israel’s Knesset are not individually elected by or accountable to the people in constituency elections. This enables Knesset...
Politicians, pundits, and political scientists have blamed Iran, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Libya, the Sudan and other Islamic states as sponsors of terrorism, and so they...