Since Barack Obama is the first Black presidential candidate in American history, it was essential to make him personally familiar to the American people. This...
“Humanity,” said Alexander Hamilton, “does not require us to sacrifice our own security and welfare to the convenience, or advantage of others. Self-preservation is the...
Nazi Germany never attacked, killed or wounded a single American on the American continent. Yet the U.S. declared war on Germany, bombed its industrial and...
The following, apart from the three concluding paragraphs, is extracted from my book A Jewish Philosophy of History ( [2006]). Muslims have never had any...
Before pondering the title of this short article, please read those sections of Israel’s Penal Law defining acts that constitute treason: the category of acts...
Edited Transcript od the Eidelberg Report, Israel National Radio, February 25, 2008. I. Who is Zbigniew Brzezinski? It was reported in The New York Sun...
Edited transcript of the Eidelberg, Israel National Radio, February 18, 2008. Part I. The Third Commonwealth There is no shortage of prophets of doom and...
Introduction Although many of the framers of the American Constitution were not devout, their political mentality was shaped in universities whose curriculum was based very...
Can you imagine Israeli military thinkers discussing the unthinkable—an Israeli coup d’etat? Ponder over this question. Courtesy of Harper’s Magazine. American coup d’etat: Military thinkers...