Destroy the Enemy to Obtain One Hundred Years of Peace LanoitYarcoJanuary 4, 2009August 9, 2020 by LanoitYarcoJanuary 4, 2009August 9, 20200381 Part I — Epaminondas “Those who wish to enjoy peace must be ready for war.” Referring to the democratic reformer Epaminondas, the warrior-philosopher whose Theban...
Patton Updated LanoitYarcoJanuary 4, 2009August 7, 2020 by LanoitYarcoJanuary 4, 2009August 7, 20200426 To Israel’s General Staff: Lessons From A Master of War Israel’s General Staff would do well to emulate George S. Patton, the general most feared...
To Israel’s General Staff: Lessons From A Master of War LanoitYarcoJanuary 2, 2009August 7, 2020 by LanoitYarcoJanuary 2, 2009August 7, 20200651 Israel is at war. Israel’s General Staff would do well to emulate George S. Patton, the general most feared by Nazi Germany. On the eve...