Even-Handedness Equals Moral Equivalence LanoitYarcoJanuary 6, 2009August 7, 2020 by LanoitYarcoJanuary 6, 2009August 7, 20200400 No one should be deceived by the allegedly “even-handed” reporting of the war in Gaza by any media such as FOX News. Even-handedness between Israel...
Prof. Eidelberg on Middle East Radio Forum LanoitYarcoAugust 20, 2007August 9, 2020 by LanoitYarcoAugust 20, 2007August 9, 20200531 Through a chain of events and people I have met online, I became aware of the Middle East Radio Forum (MERF), hosted by Attorney William...
Political Exaggerations LanoitYarcoFebruary 28, 2007August 9, 2020 by LanoitYarcoFebruary 28, 2007August 9, 20200409 If we contrast Israel with its Arab neighbors, it would be a gross exaggeration to regard Israel as a totalitarian state, to say nothing of...