Having just received Freedom House’s 800-page volume Freedom in the World 2005, I can now update not only the number of democracies which Freedom House...
It seems that many benighted Jews in Israel believe that their system of government descended from Mount Sinai. Their educators have yet to tell them...
Various political analysts have denounced Prime Minister Olmert for accepting the UN Cease-Fire Resolution. Caroline Glick of The Jerusalem Post calls the Resolution an “unmitigated...
Spokesmen and supporters of National Union and the National Religious Party are denouncing Baruch Marzel (and his Jewish National Alliance—Hazit) for having deprived NU-NRP of...
Not only corrupt politicians, but also the decadence of Israel’s parliamentary electoral system is responsible for Sharon’s Disengagement Plan, hence for the unspeakable tragedy that...
Small parties are commonplace in Israel. They multiply as a result of Israel’s system of proportional representation with an electoral threshold of 1.5%, by far...
Violent revolution would have erupted in any country had its people suffered what the Jews in Israel have suffered since Oslo 1993: deceit, betrayal, bloodshed,...