Israelis have found that the Hebrew word for “fools,” tipshim, does not quite describe Israel’s political leaders. Hence they have Hebraicized and pluralized the word idiot and now call these politicians “idiotim.” Of course they mean virtual idiots.
This is pretty much the assessment of Jerusalem Post analyst Caroline Glick in her column of December 12. She recalls the unremitting collaboration of UNIFIL with Hezbollah in Lebanon, as well as the refusal of in-place European forces “to lift a finger to prevent or even protest the massive, illicit inundation of Gaza with Iranian weaponry transiting through Egypt.”
She therefore sees that for Israeli prime minister Ehud Olmert to say he’s “ready to discuss allowing European forces to deploy in Gaza, Judea and Samaria” is more than naiveté. “Indeed, at this juncture naiveté becomes a mere synonym for stupidity.” Moreover, after reviewing Olmert’s lame explanation of his agreement to a cease-fire in Lebanon—he said he wanted to minimize Jewish casualties—Glick concludes that Olmert is so “detached from even the lowest standards for leadership that [his explanation] bordered on idiocy.”
Unfortunately, Olmert is only one among many borderline idiots in Israel. Let’s not forget Israel’s reputed elder statesman Shimon Peres, who, when he was foreign minister, applied for Israel’s membership in the Arab League!
There’s a reason for this idiocy. Recall Peres’ statement: “I have become totally tired of history, because I feel history is a long misunderstanding.” Peres’ contempt for history is symptomatic of unmitigated egoism, an egoism that stupefies the mentality of Israel’s ruling elites.
Of course, it’s not polite to say this of politicians who, contrary to fourteen centuries of Islamic history—a history of barbarism and dhimmitude in the name of Allah—would have us believe that Israel can make genuine peace with the followers of Muhammad (portrayed as a terrorist by eminent scholars).
But never mind recorded history. Who does not know that Muslims outdo the Nazis, using their own children as bombs to kill Jews!
So never mind what scholars have written about Islam and its ethos of Jihad. Israel’s idiotim have learned nothing from what they themselves have witnessed during the past thirteen years of Oslo: thousands upon thousands of Jewish civilians deliberately targeted by Arab terrorists. Thousands upon thousands of Jewish women, men, and children reduced to body parts, wounded, maimed for life, traumatized—and their murderers are exalted throughout the Islamic world. You see why the word “fools” does not quite describe Israel’s political elites.
But to further illustrate their virtual idiocy:
● We saw it in the Rabin government’s rehabilitation of Yasser Arafat and releasing and arming thousands of Jew-killers to protect Jews (a policy followed by the Netanyahu government).
● We saw it in the Barak government’s withdrawal from the security zone in southern Lebanon.
● We saw it in the Sharon’s government’s unilateral withdrawal from Gaza.
● We saw it in the Olmert government’s mismanagement of the second war in Lebanon.
● We see it every day it the Olmert government’s mindless commitment to “realignment.”
Alas, the Prophet Isaiah warns of such Chelmites: “I will give children to be your rulers.” (3:4).
Children, of course, are egoists and lack any sense or appreciation of history. Like children, Peres and Olmert and many others Israeli politicians indulge in child-like make-believe, such as “territory for peace.” They regard the Land of Israel and the Jewish people as some sort of plaything, to be traded or manipulated like Lego. Their anti-Jewish agenda is obvious to all but idiotim.
● They want to yield Judea and Samaria, the Jewish heartland, to terrorists—and they are doing this.
● They want to increase the percentage of non-Jews in Israel—and they are doing this.
● They want to foster, along with multiculturalism, anti-Jewish values—and they are doing this.
● They want to diminish the Jewish content of public education—and they are doing this.
● They want to diminish the civil rights and military status of religious Zionists—and they are doing this.
In short, they want to erase Judaism from the Land of Israel. Tired of Jewish history, they have succumbed to virtual idiocy—while Hitlerians are arming to wipe Israel off the map.
Clearly, these virtual idiots are beyond moral suasion. This being so, need I spell out what must be done before the next war erupts?