Ponder the statements of three notable Israelis:
At the threshold of the twenty-first century, we do not need to reinforce [national]sovereignty, but rather to strengthen the position of humankind.
— Shimon Peres
The content of the phrase “Jewish State” will be determined by the level of abstraction which shall be given it. In my opinion…the level of abstraction should be so high, that it becomes identical to the democratic nature of the state…The values of the state of Israel as a Jewish State are those universal values common to members of democratic society.
What distinguishes the enlightened community from the rest of the public? …The enlightened community represents that community whose values are universalistic, and which is part of the family of enlightened nations.
— Judge Aharon Barak
I would be more than happy to live in a world composed of dozens of civilizations…without any one emerging as a nation-state: No flag, no emblem, no passports, no anthem. No nothing. Only spiritual civilizations tied somehow to their lands, without the tools of statehood…To take pride in these tools of statehood?… Not I…Nationalism itself is, in my eyes, the curse of mankind.
— Amos Oz, Author
These Israelis do not know whereof they speak. They do not know that they fall short of being Christians without the Christian God. To clarify this cryptic statement, we must first define what is a “Christian” without the Christian God.
This truncated “Christian” is simply a person who accepts the Seven Noahide Laws. One of these laws prohibits blasphemy. But the prohibition against blasphemy presupposes acknowledgement of God, meaning, the God of the Hebrew Bible.
It’s rather obvious that none of the Israelis cited above believes in the God of the Hebrew Bible. Indeed, it’s safe to say they don’t believe in any divine being. Does this mean they are pagans?
Not quite. The pagans of old believed in national deities. Moreover, according to the Chief Rabbi of pre-state Israel, Abraham Isaac Kook, the most abject paganism was profoundly aware that the divine is more important than anything else in life.
It thus appears that the “enlightened” community to which Judge Barak refers must consist of cosmopolitan pagans or neo-pagans. If so, then a neo-pagan has become the President of the so-called Jewish State of Israel! How illuminating for the Jewish people to have such an enlightened leader.
It seems, however, that these Illuminati are utterly ignorant of the Jewish people’s world-historical function, which can be discerned even in the name of Abraham. As is well known, “Abraham” means “father of nations.” It follows that the nation-state or “nationalism” deplored by Shimon Peres and Amos Oz (as well by Judge Barak) goes back to the first Jew!
Of course, the nation of which Abraham is genetically the father is Israel. Obviously, what most distinguishes Israel from all other nations is the Torah. But the obvious can be misleading. The Torah’s comprehensive system of laws embodies what Rabbi Elijah Benamozegh (1823-1900) boldly called a “dual religion,” because the totality of the Torah’s laws intended for the Jews contains a subset of laws intended for the Gentiles—the Seven Noahide Laws. This subset represents the true “catholicism”—Christianity without the Christian God.
To further clarify the issue, Benamozegh quotes Marcus B. Friedenthal (1779-1859): “We do not press the Gentile to enter the community of Abraham our father, but our sublime mission, inherited from the first patriarch, is to convert Gentiles to the religion of the ‘proselyte of the gate,’ which consists of abjuring polytheism and observing the seven mitzvot of Noah”
Benamozegh concludes that Pauline Christianity was wrong to reduce Judaism or the Laws of the Torah to the Laws of Noah. That is, by suppressing all differences between Israel and the Gentile, and by embracing all mankind in a single church, Christianity made the fatal mistake of seeking to convert the Jews, hence, to abolish the world-historical function of Israel.
This “nation of priests,” by word and by example, was to inspire Gentile world to live in accordance with the religion or Laws of Noah. Only then would the nations dwell in genuine and abiding peace. It is in this light that we are to understand why mankind very much needs the Jewish State of Israel.
Clearly, the three “enlightened” Israelis cited above unwittingly advocate a secular version of Pauline Christianity: they do not want Israel to be a Jewish state. They want to make Israel “a state of its citizens” or multicultural society devoid of any distinctive national character. But this means they want to transform the Jewish people’s sense of identity: they want to make Jews cosmopolitan pagans, i.e., neo-pagans!
Although these “enlightened” ones are now at the helm of state, their days are numbered. Like their European counterparts, who have succumbed to multiculturalism and a diminishing birthrate, they will soon become as extinct as the dodo. As for Israel: Israel shall live and shall once again be the light that enlightens mankind.