EDITORIAL: Why the Deadly Silence of Our American Jewish Leaders
…This is a very serious problem: there is no public support for institutional reform on the part of right-wing commentators and Zionist organizations. Why is this so?
The basic reason is that major American Jewish institutions and our most prominent Jewish thinkers and writers are ashamed for not having focused on the issue of institutional reform in the past. Here is their excuse: “It’s not for us, an American Zionist organization, to say that many of Israel’s basic problems stem from its dysfunctional institutions, especially the fact that MKs can ignore public opinion with impunity because they are not elected by or accountable to the voters in regional elections.”
They mistakenly believe that to question Israel’s democratic character could undermine American support, and their own financial backers would stop funding them.
The Editor
September 11, 2006
On September 5th, 2006, Buddy Macy wrote an very interesting article in Arutz Sheva entitled “The Deadly Silence of Our American Jewish Leaders”. The article points to the perplexing fact that none of the major American Jewish organizations are calling for the Israeli government to be held accountable for treason and no one is calling for a systemic change in the Israeli governmental regime. He writes:
“…The American Jewish leadership’s silence in the aftermath of the Olmert-led government’s pitiful, life-jeopardizing performance during the war, at a time when the threat to Israel’s very survival has never been more real, is beyond abhorrent—it is criminal. If, G-d forbid, Israel were to suffer a devastating attack while Mr. Olmert were still in office, I would hold the American Jewish organizations and their representatives responsible to a significant degree for the death and injuries of our fellow Jews in Israel, and for the destruction of Jewish land and property.
“…In this most serious of times, the American Jewish leadership must break from its timeless policy of not speaking out against the government of Israel. Is there not one executive director, chairman or president of a major Federation or one of the more influential members of the Conference of Presidents who will have the courage and sense to speak out and help save the Jewish People? The major American Jewish leader who would call publicly and loudly for the resignation of Olmert, Peres, Peretz, Livni and Halutz would be viewed as a Jewish hero, for time immemorial—the rest of the lot, as cowards and appeasers.”
Even our best Jewish right-wing commentators stop short of coming out and saying that it is not only the individual politicians who are corrupt but the primary culprit is the system of Israeli government which enables a corrupt Prime Minister, a corrupt Knesset and a corrupt supreme court to rule in Israel. Emanuel A. Winston summarized his last article, “Olmert Opens the Gates—Again” with:
“Israel is in deep trouble and desperately needs a return to its earliest ‘raison d’etre’ (reason for being). This can only be accomplished by a ruthless house cleaning and replacement of government officials with integrity, a belief in their right to live on Land that is theirs and the patriotism that once was an unquestioned component inherent in elected rulers.”
This implies that if you take out the present scoundrels, Israel would solve the problem. However, if you only call for “replacement of government officials…” like the protesters in Israel are now doing and neglect to call for a change of the governmental structure as well, “regime change”, as Prof. Paul Eidelberg refers to it, you are merely calling for more of the same.
This is a very serious problem: there is no public support for institutional reform on the part of right-wing commentators and Zionist organizations. Why is this so?
The basic reason is that major American Jewish institutions and our most prominent Jewish thinkers and writers are ashamed for not having focused on the issue of institutional reform in the past. Here is their excuse: “It’s not for us, an American Zionist organization, to say that many of Israel’s basic problems stem from its dysfunctional institutions, especially the fact that MKs can ignore public opinion with impunity because they are not elected by or accountable to the voters in regional elections.”
They mistakenly believe that to question Israel’s democratic character could undermine American support, and their own financial backers would stop funding them.
All governments today are clearly taking orders from the New World Order including the United States and Israel. Both governments are already ‘underlings’ under the complete control of and taking orders from the NWO. These orders are meant to destabilize the world in order to increase NWO’s dominion over it.
It is imperative for the Jewish people to stop prostituting ourselves to the subordination of unworthy friends’ support and our own unworthy government. Only when Israel establishes a new Jewish government structure, a new system of government, will we be able to tell ‘the world’ just exactly where to stick it and then follow that up by eliminating our enemies the Arabs, will we (Israel) have a chance for survival. Doing so would also throw quite a ‘monkey wrench into their works’ big time. It would mean no more MEFTA (Mideast Free Trade Agreement)! It would also mean a correction in Jewish self image: from being groveling prostitutes dependant on the (not so) benevolent stranger to being a strong, proud and independent people that govern ourselves by the laws of our Torah.